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Spectrum International for Hospitality Recruitment Jobs and Vacancies
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Spectrum International Hospitality Recruitment Services specialises in search and selection of executive positions within the hospitality industry exclusively. Our reach is far and wide including Australia, Pacific, Asia, S.E. Asia, Indian Ocean, Middle East and The Sub Continent.

We welcome your interest and look forward to assisting you with any of your recruitment needs. If you are looking for a new career move, please select from the search table above, the regions and the sector you are interested in; then click the “Search” button to review a list of current vacancies available. To view all vacancies, please click “View all jobs” button on the table.

Wishing you an enjoyable and rewarding journey through your working career!

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Spectrum International is on LinkedIn. Connect with us now!

Recruitment Services for Chefs, Sales and Marketing, Front Office, Rooms Division, Food & Beverage, Housekeeping, Finance, Engineering, Human Resources, Spa Managers, Asset Mangers, Vice Presidents and Director Of Operations

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