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Our top 10 travel bloggers
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In the past few years we’ve been lucky enough to host and befriend a big bunch of lovely travel bloggers.  I know what you’re thinking, the popular perception of a travel blogger is someone that hops from country to country, on a permanent holiday – pausing in their neverending wanderlust only to upload some piccies and tap some words into their flashy laptop…

The reality, it appears, is somewhat different – it’s not all beaches and pina coladas for this lovely lot!  Writing a spot-on blog, growing a following and coming up with the goods time and time again is no mean feat.  To this end, here is Preseli Venture’s list of our top 10 favourite travel bloggers:

Catherine Mack

Catherine is a freelance travel writer specialising in responsible travel.  She graduated with a Masters degree in Responsible Tourism Management in 2007, and since then has combined travel writing and blogging with full time parenting.  She has also recently written the Green Travel Ireland app – check it out!

Blogs: Catherine has her own website, Ethical Traveller, where you can read her travel articles, and she blogs over on the Green Traveller website.

Twitter: @catherinemack

Our favourite post: Ok, trumpet blowing alert – but it was when Catherine reviewed the PV eco lodge on Green Traveller.  She doesn’t mince words, she tells it like it is, and we love her for that.

Richard Thorley

Richard and Catherine used to be teachers until they decided to pack their life up into a van and follow their dreams of travelling the world with their 2 daughters and a dog.

Blogs: Read about the Thorley family adventures on their blog Life in our Van

Twitter: @lifeinourvan

Our favourite post: For adventurous parents looking for family friendly ideas Life in our Van has some great suggestions including: Experiencing scuba diving on an island boat tour in Zadar

Jade Broadus

Jade and the Vagabond3 team came to stay with us when they were studying in London. Post visit I realized they were all kick ass travel bloggers  Jade describes herself as “A cute and spunky girl hailing from Jacksonville, Florida,  addicted to traveling and with a strange obsession with maps and globes. ” We describe her with one word: “lovely”.

Blogs: Vagabond 3

Twitter: Jade’s personal twitter handle is @soulfishing, and follow the vagabond3 team on @Vagabond3live

Our favourite post: OK there are many wonderful posts on Vagabond3 but I LOVE the story of how they got started, proving that travel blogging dreams really do come true….!

Lori Henry

Lori was part of a group of Canadian bloggers who came to see us a couple of years ago.  She currently works as a travel and lifestyle writer based in Vancouver, Canada, and has a keen interest in cultural dance – having started her creative career as a Polynesian dancer – we’d love to see some of that!

Blogs: at Lori Henry

Twitter: @lorihenry

Our favourite post: Lori’s quite the adventure girl – check out whitewater rafting at night – scarey stuff!
Blighty Traveller (aka Ross Corbett)

Ross Corbett is a 29 year old British travel blogger (so young!)  based in England, and he founded The Blighty Traveller with the aim to become a British travel expert.  After setting himself that unenviable task we think he’s doing pretty well, and we’re looking forward to seeing him in May for some adventures.

Blogs: The Blighty Traveller

Twitter: @theblightytraveler

Our favourite post: This one got my mouth watering recently, the top 10 UK cookery schools, got me thinking about oh so yummy cuisine and some delectable boutique accommodation.  Better start saving!

Justin Walter

LA based Justin is an adventure fanatic with a love for blogging and sharing inspirational experiences from his time travelling around the world. We had the pleasure of welcoming Justin to Pembrokeshire for a day of adventure which you can read about here.

Blogs: Around the World with Justin

Twitter: @atwjustin

Our favourite post: An inspirational read about following your goals and adventuring as a solo traveller. Abigail King

Abigail King is a British journalist and photographer who swapped a career as a hospital doctor for a life on the road. She also blogs about cultural travel and adventure at Inside the Travel Lab, where she experiments with the world.

Blogs: Inside the Travel Lab

Twitter: @insidetravellab

Our favourite post: This one about Benidorm – a nice reminder that life changing insight can happen in the places you thought the least likely.
Bald Hiker aka Paul Steele

Guess what?  Paul is bald, and he loves hiking

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