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NAEL ELWAARY Cluster General manager, Roda Al Murooj
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Roda Al Murooj’s cluster general manager, Nael Elwaary has set his mission and vision for the company to exceed expectation among internal and external customers and aiming to maintain happy associates resulting in happy guests.

Elwaary’s accomplishments include planning a cost model for Al Murooj Complex and leading hotels in the region offering a diverse portfolio of accommodation including hotels, apartments and villas in the UAE.

Elwaary wishes to promote growth amongst his employees to inspire and retain talented associates who are motivated and passionate about the brand.

Roda Al Murooj also aims to maintain a solid owning company relation and secure good return on the investment and be the travellers choice for all visitors to Dubai by 2020.

Elwaary also spoke about his ongoing projects: “I am currently jointly working with the owning company leadership and assessing various options with international brands to re-position our hotels to the next level.”

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