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Hotel Rez acquire new company
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Hotel Rez has acquired fellow company Best Loved Hotels from the Great British Hotel Company for an undisclosed fee.

Hotel Rez plans to develop the brand across the world, adding the very best hotels catering for high end travellers whilst maintaining its independent brand as well.

The move has been said to be a ‘milestone’ in the company’s expansion and move into the luxury sector; they have further announced they are looking to acquire even more as well.

Julian Ebbutt, managing director of Best Loved Hotels, will remain as a consultant during the transition of the business to the new owners, while Nicolas Wijnants, former director for HotelRez’s World Rainbow Hotels (WRH) brand, has been promoted to group director global brands at HotelRez, with responsibility for both Best Loved Hotels and WRH.

Lewis stated: “The acquisition marks a milestone in our business’ ambitious expansion plans and cements our reputation as one of the world’s leading and most progressive hotel representation companies.

“Our immediate plans for Best Loved Hotels include a complete brand refresh and new cutting edge website including booking functionality coupling both hotel and ancillary spend designed to appeal to high net worth travellers.”

Ebbutt said: “We are proud to have nurtured this successful brand over the last four years, and are confident the acquisition by HotelRez will enable Best Loved Hotels to reach its full potential, enhancing its status as a truly iconic global hotel marketing brand.”

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