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Hilton Grand Vacations and Mālama Pu`uloa host Earth Day Tree Planting to help restore Oahu coastline
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HONOLULU – Hilton Grand Vacations Inc. and Mālama Pu`uloa announce a new partnership in honor of Earth Day to help restore the beautiful natural habitat of Kapapapuhi Point Park and the natural shoreline of Pearl Harbor.

As a hospitality leader in Hawaii for decades, HGV has been committed to being a good steward of the islands’ rich and vibrant culture and breathtaking natural environment. Through its extensive mālama initiatives, HGV supports fun and meaningful activities to care for, protect and maintain all that the islands have to offer. 

Mālama Pu`uloa is the primary program of Hui o Ho`ohonua(HOH), a nonprofit committed to cultivating a strong sense of natural stewardship, pride and the idea of `āina momona – thriving land, thriving people. On April 22, team member and owner volunteers from HGV helped remove invasive plant species and replant native Hawaiian vegetation to help restore the natural shoreline of Pu`uloa at Kapapapuhi Point Park

“Our HOH crew is so grateful to the HGV team for the opportunity to work together, introduce people to our work in such a meaningful way and build our capacity to tackle the restoration of Pu`uloa to abundance. We hope this event and the pilina relationships we build help amplify a belief on the power of community to create positive change!” said Sandy Ward, executive director of Hui o Ho`ohonua

“Our team members and owners share a commitment to protecting the natural wonders of the islands we love for future generations,” said Jeff Bernier, regional senior vice president, managing director – APAC & Hawaii for Hilton Grand Vacations. “We realize that we can all play an important role and this restoration project is just one of many volunteer and cultural activities we are honored to support as part of the Hawaiian Tourism Authority’s Mālama Program. Throughout the year, our team members and owners give back, connect with the vibrant Hawaiian culture and help our communities grow stronger.”

“As members of the Oahu community, we fully embrace our mission of mālama – or taking care of each other, the land, our wildlife and ocean,” said Linda Rodrigues, senior vice president regional marketing Hawaii, Hilton Grand Vacations. “We are proud to support and partner with organizations like Mālama Pu`uloa that champion sustainability, education and restoration.”

This initiative is part of HGV’s 30 for 30 campaign that expands on the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility program, HGV Serves, in celebration of its 30th anniversary.

Through 30 volunteer and philanthropic initiatives this year, HGV will focus on supporting organizations based on four philanthropic areas, including: disaster relief, homelessness, veterans and youth development.

Mālama Pu`uloa is dedicated to educating elementary and high school students about land and water conservation studies. The organization also supports environmental impact research in collaboration with The Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH), Malama Learning Center and all Oahu Department of Education facilities on the west side of the island.

Numerous community organizations, local schools and leaders joined the Earth Day event including students from Waipahu High School, the University of Hawaii and Steven Doo, associate principal, G70.

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