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Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Takes Delivery of 2nd Hanseatic Unit
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Fincantieri’s subsidiary Vard Holdings Limited delivered Hanseatic inspiration, the second ship in a new series of luxury expedition cruise vessels for Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd Cruises.

With its close to 16,000 gross tons and 139 meters long, the newly built unit follows sister ship Hanseatic nature, delivered in April by Vard Langsten in Norway. The third vessel in the batch, Hanseatic spirit, is scheduled for completion in 2021.

Each ship is tailored to allow passengers to access remote regions, ranging from the Arctic and Antarctic to the Amazon.

Hanseatic inspiration features seven passenger decks, with 120 cabins accommodating a maximum of 230 passengers.

“The vessel, like the others of the series, mixes quality with environmental care alongside energy efficient hull design and technology,” the shipbuilder said.

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