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Christian Adrian Garcia Appointed Executive Chef at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives
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Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives has appointed Chef Christian Adrian Garcia as executive chef. The seasoned professional brings in a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his new role.

Hailing from Argentina, Chef Christian graduated from the “Unión de Chefs Argentinos” and has worked in the Spanish cities of Valencia, Barcelona, and Ibiza. More recently, Chef Christian ventured around the Middle East and Africa, where he worked in places like Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and Zanzibar. His outstanding performance has garnered him a nomination as The Best Chef in Saudi Arabia by the much-acclaimed “Chaîne des Rotisseurs.”

Chef Christian perfected the various techniques used in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines during his tenure at Altea, Alicante. He brought them together to enhance his use of Brazilian ingredients to create exquisite cuisine served in contemporary style, made using international techniques.

Morgan Martinello, general manager at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives, who also hails from an extensive background of expertise in food and beverage, said: “We are pleased to have Chef Christian on board and welcome him wholeheartedly to the Kuda Villingili family. We trust that the culinary expertise he brings with him will take Kuda Villingili’s gastronomic experience to a whole new level.”

Excited for his new appointment, Christian said: “Kuda Villingili already offers an expansive culinary journey, with cuisines extending from East to Asia, the Mediterranean to Italian, Arabic, and all the way to Japanese-Peruvian dishes, which is a speciality of my homeland. Along with Mr. Morgan, an Italian national with vast knowledge in food and beverage, I am certain we can achieve magical new heights by combining our knowledge in this field. I cannot wait to have our guests experience the amazing gastronomic journey at Kuda Villingili.”

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