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Buyer's Guide for Employee Safety Devices Introduced to the Hospitality Industry
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Courtesy: Emily Wilson | News Source:

CHICAGO (May 1, 2019) - Hospitality Technology Next Generation's (HTNG's) Staff Alert Technology Workgroup, in partnership with the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), releases a Device Buyer's Guide to point hospitality companies in the right direction whether at the start or during the process of device adoption.

This publication is a 30-page Staff Alert Device Buyer's Guide which organizes a plethora of questions to consider for companies who may be contemplating solution providers to partner with for the deployment of on-property staff alert technology.

The HTNG workgroup was led by Chairs Parminder Batra, co-founder and CEO of TraknProtect and Nicole Fessler, director of risk management at White Lodging.

"Created with extensive feedback from hoteliers, property management group and suppliers, the HTNG Staff Alert Vendors Guide represents a highly effective resource for developing vendor RFI or RFPs and to realize the best solution to support their employee's security," said Batra.

"Our announcement of the 5-Start Promise was an unprecedented show of unity within the hospitality industry, prioritizing the safety and security of the more than eight million employees and millions of guests that our industry supports," said Chip Rogers, president and CEO of AHLA. "As we approach the one-year anniversary of that commitment, we are shifting our focus to the challenging, but critical process of implementation. This dedicated resource will aid many hoteliers working to reach that next phase."

There are potentially thousands of hotels who may need to select and deploy solutions to meet unique requirements and diverse environments. Workgroup members have developed this buyer's guide to assist hoteliers, from general or operations management to corporate brand executives, in building a Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposal (RFP) for their hotel property, portfolio or brand. The objective of this guide is to assist the procurement team with identifying the most relevant questions, and to allow the development of the tailored RFI or RFP for their property or brand.

Similar to HTNG's Staff Alert Technology Workgroup, AHLA leads a task force of industry participants to begin the process of outlining an implementation framework. This Staff Alert Device Buyer's Guide is released in conjunction with the AHLA Safety Summit, taking place today in Washington D.C.

The partnership with AHLA was a natural fit with the industry's commitment to the 5-Star Promise, a pledge to provide hotel employees across the U.S. with employee safety devices (ESDs) and commit to enhanced policies, trainings and resources that together are aimed at enhancing hotel safety, including preventing and responding to sexual harassment and assault. The organizations, HTNG and AHLA, are committed to continue working together to back the 5-Star Promise and deliver positive results to the hospitality industry.

To download the Staff Alert Device Buyer's Guide, click here.

About Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG)

The premier technology solutions association in the hospitality industry, HTNG is a self-funded, nonprofit organization with members from hospitality companies, technology vendors to hospitality, consultants, media and academic experts. HTNG's members participate in focused workgroups to bring to market open solution sets addressing specific business problems. HTNG fosters the selection and adoption of existing open standards and also develops new open standards to meet the needs of the global hospitality industry.

Currently more than 400 corporate and individual members from across this spectrum, including world leading hospitality companies and technology vendors, are active HTNG participants. HTNG's  Board of Governors, consisting of 24 top IT leaders from hospitality companies around the world, itself has technology responsible for over 3 million guest rooms and world-leading venues. HTNG publishes workgroup proceedings, drafts and specifications for all HTNG members as soon as they are created, encouraging rapid and broad adoption. HTNG releases specifications into the public domain as soon as they are ratified by the workgroups. For more information, visit

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