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Blennerhassett Hotel earns recognition from WV Living
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PARKERSBURG — The Blennerhassett Hotel in downtown Parkersburg has received three awards from WV Living Magazine and its subsidiary WV Weddings.

The hotel located on Market Street received 2021 awards for West Virginia’s Best Boutique Hotel, Best of WV Weddings in the Best Hotel or Conference Center Venue and Best Place to Spend Your Wedding Night.

The hotel on Wednesday unveiled a new poster denoting the awards.

“We are thrilled to accept these awards, which reflect the hard work and professional dedication from our staff in what was certainly one of the most unique years of our lifetimes,” Travis Stephens, digital marketing manager for the hotel, said. “These awards are a testament to our staff’s tenacity and a shared dedication to hospitality, service, and charm.”

A boutique signifies hotels with fewer than 100 rooms, he said. The aim is to be boutique in a modern sense with an expanded cafe, gift shop, restaurant and spa services, Stephens said.

The Blennerhassett Hotel, designed in the Romanesque Revival style, opened in May 1889. The hotel was built by William Nelson Chancellor, who also built the Chancellor Hotel in downtown Parkersburg.

The Chancellor has since been demolished, but the Blennerhassett has undergone renovations and restorations, particularly while it was owned by the Ross family.

Lee Rector and Wayne Waldeck of Parkersburg purchased the hotel in October 2019.

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