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Akanksha Patnaik appointed as Executive Housekeeper at Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks
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Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks has appointed Akanksha Patnaik as the Executive Housekeeper. Patnaik has close to 11 years of experience in the hospitality industry. Having contributed to brands like The Lalit, Hyatt, and IHG, she has demonstrated excellent customer relations and team management skills. Some of the primary responsibilities in her last assignment included supervising daily housekeeping operations, building strong relationships with hotel guests and managing human resource activities required to support the housekeeping team.

She had commenced her hospitality journey with Trident Bandra Kurla after finishing her graduation from Institute for Technology and Management, Navi Mumbai. Following a four-year stint with The Lalit Hotels where she handled several managerial roles, Patnaik moved to the Hyatt group in 2016 before moving to Bangalore in 2022. She briefly worked with IHG hotels in New Delhi prior to joining Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks.

Commenting on her new role, Patnaik said, “Getting to be a part of a 100-year-old company is an honour for me. My focus will primarily include accentuating guest experience at the hotel, contributing positively towards overall financial goals and working effectively to ensure product upliftment.”

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